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執筆者の写真: 富美浜小学校PTA本部富美浜小学校PTA本部













※ 書面表決フォーム※

 各議案の決議については、通常の総会と同様に、PTA会員の過半数の賛成が得られる場合に可決と取り扱わせていただきます。 なお期日を過ぎても提出がなく賛否の表示がない場合は、議案に賛成いただいたものとみなし取り纏めいたしますので、ご了承ください。



Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with PTA activities.

Thank you for submitting your participation/non-participation form recently. As a result of the count, we are pleased to announce that approximately 80% of families have joined the PTA, an increase of 10% from last year. If you have not yet submitted the form, please submit it as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact us using the contact form on this website.

This year, the PTA General Assembly will be held on the website. Please read the attached documents.

Names have been omitted from the above documents to protect personal information. Please see the SchIT Mail attachment for the full document. If you cannot see the PDF documents, please let us know using the contact form on this website. You will receive a paper copy through your child. 

 Please review the contents of the General Assembly documents and enter your approval or disapproval of the proposals at the following URL.


vote form.

  Each agenda item will be approved by a majority vote of the PTA members. Please note that if no proposal is submitted after the deadline, it will be considered approved.

 The results of the vote will be reported to you via SchIT Mail in May. Thank you.


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